Monday, January 17, 2011

Surprise Request

It's not unusual for people to hit me up with questions about the book I wrote and published. The questions are fun to answer. Once and awhile, I get a request that surprises me. Last week I was contacted by a school teacher who wanted to help a student attempt to write and publish a story. Easy enough to deal with but here's the deal: The student had been driving a car earlier this fall and was involved in a car wreck. Sadly a sibling was thrown from the car and killed. No surprise that this young person is dealing with a great deal of emotional pain. It was the hope of this teacher that writing about this experience would help her student work through the grief. Wow.

I did my best but felt my efforts were pretty humble compared to those of this special teacher.

Hope, hope, hope things go well and that the pain of loss turns into something a little better.